Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It is official. A4I is pending.

It is official. As of 3:30 am, Artists 4 Israel is officially "pending" 501c3 status. It took a ton of work, prodding and advice from Jenny Kagan and Racquel Reinstein, countless bags of Klik chocolate, every single red and orange Sour Patch Kid in 3 Duane Reades, most of the Wolfson family's printer ink, a calming spirit and sage advice from Irene S., one birthday party for a lawyer turned into "let me ask you a hypothetical question" hour-long session, two Academy Bus Line tickets, no staples - the IRS hates staples, $850 dollars, a game of Wii Tennis...

...and the absolute dogged determination, intelligence and creativity of Seth Wolfson, Tara Gordon and Craig Dershowitz.