Friday, December 17, 2010

Letter to Bon Jovi

Dear Jon "Bon" Jovi,
Artists 4 Israel is writing this letter to express our delight that you will be playing in Israel and thus able to enjoy the beautiful, creative, and vibrant country and society that is Israel.

When you arrive in Israel, Artists 4 Israel urges you to explore the country and see all that it has to offer. This small country has an incredible and dazzling array of attractions for you to enjoy during your visit, from the lush beaches in Tel Aviv, to the history and stone buildings in Jerusalem, to the enchantment of Safed and the North, to the dessert allure of the South. There even is skiing at Mount Hermon in the North! This small country of six million residents boasts some of the highest numbers of artists, scientists, musicians, and entreprenuers per capita, in the world.
If you want to meet some of them, let us know and we will happily set you up with some really cool people doing exciting and creative things.

What most people may not be aware of is that fact that Israel is the one country in the Middle East where Arabs and Jews live side-by-side in peace and security - most prominently in cities such as Haifa and Jerusalem.
Artists 4 Israel is proud to support this dazzling country, and is thrilled that you will entertain Israelis with your music, and get the chance to appreciate the country that we so love and cherish.
Yours Truly,
Artists 4 Israel

Editor Note: Thank you to Racquel Reinstein, Dan Brooks, Ariela Robinson and Erik Levis

1 comment:

  1. Jon Bon Jovi, a true artist, is and always has been a right dude...even if he is from New Jersey! His heart has always been open and he deserves a warmest welcome in Israel! I will gladly buy him and his terrific band a drink!
    Thanks again JBJ!
    Rocky Kalman, Woodstock, NY
